Wednesday, June 1, 2016

The Newsy Neighbour Challenge: High Five Your Neighbour!

The Newsy Neighbour Magazine
June Issue 104
All Rights Reserved

If you feel there is less interaction between neighbours or people in general than there used to be, I would have to agree with you. I remember as a youngster, I knew every single person on my street. In fact, I was very reluctant to go shopping with my mother because it seemed that the whole “shopping” experience ending up being a “visiting” experience with every person in the grocery store (we grew up in a small town).

Life seemed much simpler back then and I believe people were friendlier and less suspicious than the world in which we live now. I understand life is far more complicated than it used to be and, yes, we do have more to fear and have therefore become less friendly, even with the people in our own neighbourhoods!

But, I have come to realize people still have those “old fashioned” ideals within them. Maybe they are just a bit more guarded these days. Nothing feels better than that moment when you are driving through your neighbourhood and a neighbour gives you a wave and smile and you think to yourself, “Well isn’t that nice—I don’t even know that person”. Or you’re walking down the street and someone says “good morning” and you think to yourself, well isn’t that nice?

Why don’t we do more of that sort of thing—are we afraid they might ignore us?  Have we become afraid to step out of our comfort zone? What’s the worst that can happen? Maybe you’re just a little insecure, too busy, or just have never tried it.

You could change someone’s entire day with just a little smile or a simple hello – it’s like all of a sudden something changes in that exact moment. You have made a conscience effort to live to your full potential, take control and make a difference. All this with just a little smile or wave OR a “High Five” (imagine such a thing) – you are sending out positive energy. You have more power than you think. Just try it and see the reaction you receive and feel your inner energy change in the blink of an eye.

Have you heard about the story of Juan Mann—a man whose sole mission was to reach out and hug a stranger to brighten up their lives?  In this age of social disconnection and lack of human contact, the effects of the “Free Hugs” campaign became phenomenal. As this symbol of human hope spread across the city, police and officials ordered the “Free Hugs” campaign BANNED. Why? This true spirit of humanity came together in what can only be described as awe inspiring. If you go to it will fill your chest with pride.

So we started our own campaign, and we called it “The High Five” campaign. Yes, I know it is not as easy as a smile or a hello, and the “High Five” is going to take a little more work, but do not let expectations hinder your path. The first few times may seem a little weird and people might not know for sure what it is you are trying to accomplish. It might help if you say loudly “High Five” before you raise your arm.  But, the reaction of your action may just surprise you both and just think of the possibilities you are creating.
According to – a certain study has proven that, when a person gets a frugal (nonsexual) touch like a pat on the back, neck-touch and even high fives, it gives him/her a certain amount of self-satisfaction by increasing the oxytocin, a hormone that increases the sensation of bonding and well-being, and also reduces the level of alpha-amylase, which is a stress indicator.

It’s not all about giving an out-of-the-blue “High Five” but also what the receiver receives from this action. You know we all strive for the acceptance of our ideas or our personality by our peers and friends. So whenever someone raises their hand to give us a high five (for something we said or did), it gives us an amazing feeling of satisfaction and happiness and we instantly feel connected to that person.

We have all heard about paying it forward; this in essence is what you are doing with a smile and a joyous “High Five”.  It is a gesture of celebration and greeting.

This is your “Newsy Neighbour Challenge”. Do you think you could challenge yourself to “High Five” at least 1 stranger a day? Only one, we are not asking you to change the world over night. All it takes is one person at a time—one small action can change the world.

Make this day and every day a celebration and share your joy with a BIG “High Five”!

You can do it – I have total faith in you!

By: Kathryn Hartwell
on behalf of “The Newsy Neighbour High Five Challenge Team”.

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